Evgenios Agathokleous
PhD, Environmental Resources
Full Professor (profile here)
Department of Ecology
School of Ecology and Applied Meteorology
(previously School of Applied Meteorology)
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210044, China
evgenios @ nuist.edu.cn
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1) Advances in Environmental Ecology for undergraduate students
2) Teacher Guidance (名师导学) for undergraduate students
3) Research Methods in Ecology for master course students
4) Frontiers in Ecology for master course students
5) Frontiers in Ecological Research for doctoral course students

Welcome to Evgenios' website
Evgenios is a Professor (Full) at the School of Ecology and Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST).
NUIST is a national-level key "Double First-rate" university co-constructed by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. The discipline of atmospheric science ranked No 1 in China according to an evaluation by the Ministry of Education in China. Geo-science as well as Environmental Science and Ecology are in the Top 1% ESI Rankings Disciplines.
Chinese and overseas post-graduate students interested in joining us may refer to this link for more information before contact.
Postdocs: If you are interested for a postdoc with him, please contact him directly, attaching your CV. He can hire a few postdocs with a globally competitive package of benefits; however, the applicant would be evaluated by a committee of 3-5 full professors based on qualifications, research proposal, and interview. Possible areas: 1) Physiological ecology and dose-response, 2) Leaf microorganisms, 3) Urban forestry and air pollution, 4) Greenhouse gas monitoring and simulation, and 5) Ecosystem modeling.
Short bio (last update: 9 April 2024)
Evgenios Agathokleous as a scholar of the Japanese government, received a Ph.D. in Environmental Resources by Hokkaido University (March 2017). He was also awarded a two-year (April 2017 – April 2019) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Standard), by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), in the framework of which he conducted research at the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) in Sapporo, Japan. Since April 2019, he is a Full Professor (Ecology) at the School of Ecology and Applied Meteorology at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), China. His research concerns the dose response and its mechanisms, while he spent the last ten years conducting multi-year research targeting to enhance plant health under atmospheric and soil challenges. He has so far published about 300 articles in SCI journals, of which about 110 as first author (and several additional as non-first but corresponding author), and 11 book chapters.. Many of his papers were published in journals like Science Advances, Nature Food, Nature Communications, Nano Today, Trends in Plant Science, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Communications Earth and Environment, Current Opinion series, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environment International, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Functional Ecology and many others. Many of them are published in journals with a five-year impact factor >10<21, and including about 10 officially invited papers in top-tier journals (e.g. Science Advances, Trends in Plant Science, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Global Food Security, and Current Opinion series). He was included in all the Stanford University lists with the world’s top 2% scientists (both career-long and single year impact), in Environmental Science (subfield) and Earth & Environmental Science (field). Moreover, he was in the 2024 list of Most Cited China’s Researchers, which included 5,801 highly cited scholars from 496 institutions, for “exceptional research performance in the field of Atmospheric Science” (Elsevier – Shanghai Ranking). He was featured in international magazines such as the Yale University’s online magazine E360 (https://e360.yale.edu/features/ozone-pollution-an-insidious-and-growing-threat-to-biodiversity) and the Journal of Forestry Research (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11676-022-01579-x), while he was interviewed for an article (https://doi.org/10.1111/aab.12867) dedicated to his life and work published in the Annals of Biology by its Editor in Chief. He was involved in the organization of multiple international scientific events, and was the main organizer and program chair of the international conference "Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems", 11-15 October, 2021, Paphos, Cyprus. He has been involved in large-scale research funding, with a significant portion of it ensured either as a fellow or as a Principal Investigator of projects. He is reviewer of about 155 international peer-reviewed journals and has reviewed about 700 papers and 45 research grants for national funding agencies of different countries and lead societies. From fall 2017 to fall 2019 was Deputy Coordinator and then (to date) Coordinator of WP 8.04.05 - Ground-level Ozone of the International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO). Among others, he was honored with the 2020 Jiangsu Distinguished Professor award, the 2020 Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program award of Jiangsu Province, and the Outstanding New Investigator 2018 award of the International Dose-Response Society. He is Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Forestry Research (previously Associate Editor), Subject Editor of Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, Associate Editor of Sustainable Horizons, and Editorial Board member of about several other journals, including Science of the Total Environment, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, and Plant Stress.
Professor (Full)
Professor at the Department of Ecology, School of Ecology and Applied Meteorology. Professional title (Ministry of Education, China): Full Professor
Researcher of the Research Faculty of Agriculture.
Evgenios has completed the PhD course of the "Special Postgraduate Program of the Biosphere Sustainability Science" of the Division of Environmental Sciences, School of Agriculture. October 2014 - March 2017
PhD, Environmental Resources
Research Student
He has been a Research Student for six months in the Research Faculty of Agriculture. April - October 2014.
MSc in Agricultural Science
He has completed a five-year Diploma course which leads to MSc equivalence degree. October 2007 - February 2013

Environmental Change Biology
Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems
Ecotoxicology - Environ. toxicology
Carbon Cycle & Decomposition
Regular basis
Associate Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Forestry Research (January 2020– date).
Subject Editor, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (November 2022– date).
Associate Editor, Sustainable Horizons (October 2022– date).
Associate Editor, Science of The Total Environment (November 2024– date).
Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health (July 2021– date).
Editorial Board, (founding) Plant Stress (August 2020– date).
Editorial Board, (founding) Journal of Safety and Sustainability (Jan 2023– date).
Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes (Dec 2021– date).
Editorial Board, Public Health and Toxicology (Apr 2022– date).
Occasional basis
Guest co-Editor, Issue on “Non-target effects of Bio-insecticides”, On Going (to be completed in 2025), Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health.
Guest Managing Editor, Virtual Special Issue on "Environmental Hormesis: New Developments", 2023, Science of The Total Environment.
Guest Managing Editor, Virtual Special Issue on “Response and Adaptation of Agricultural Ecosystems to Global Changes”, 2023, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
Guest Managing Editor, Issue on “Low-dose stimulation”, 2022, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health.
Guest Managing Editor, Issue on "Hormesis and Dose Response", 2022, Current Opinion in Toxicology.
Guest Managing Editor, Virtual Special Issue on "Environmental Hormesis: A tribute to Anthony Stebbing", 2021, Science of The Total Environment.
Guest co-Editor, Issue on "Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Threats to Plant Ecosystems", 2021, Environmental Research.
Guest co-Editor, Issue on "Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: Air Pollution", February 2021, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health.
Guest co-Editor, Special Issue “Plant Ecosystems in a Changing World: Monitoring, Modelling and Risk Assessment”, 2020, Atmosphere.
Guest co-Editor, Special Issue “Agronomy and Agroecology in a Polluted Atmosphere”, 2020, Agronomy.
Guest co-Editor, Virtual Special Issue “Ozone and Plant Ecosystems”, 2019, Science of The Total Environment.
Guest Editorial Board, Special Issue “Air Pollution and Plant Ecosystems”, 2019, Climate.
Associate Editor, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (2022–2024).
Associate Editor, Forestry Research (2020–2024).
Associate Editor, Journal of Forestry Research (2018–2019).
Editorial Board, Science of The Total Environment (2019–2024).
Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering (2021–2022).
Editorial Board (founding), Water Emerging Contaminants and Nanoplastics (2021–2023).
Review Editor, Forests and the Atmosphere, specialty section of Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (2018–2024).
Review Editor, Toxicology, Pollution and the Environment, specialty section of Frontiers in Environmental Science (2022–2024).
Editorial Board, Climate (2018–2023).
Advisory Board, Sci (2018–2023).
2024, Azevedo, R.A. (2024). Interview with Prof. Evgenios Agathokleous, School of Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), China. 184(1): 7–18. DOI: 10.1111/aab.12867 Highlighted in the Editor-in-Chief’s editorial opening the 2024 volume: DOI: 10.1111/aab.12866
2023. Yu, L. (2023). Ground-level ozone (O3) pollution and its impacts on vegetation: an attribute to Prof. Evgenios Agathokleous. Journal of Forestry Research 34: 577–578. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-022-01579-x
2022. Featured in Cell Press, Press Release “Ozone pollution threatens plant health and makes it harder for pollinators to find flowers” by Kelcie Walther, 29 September, 2022, and numerous news sites around the world, including the Newsweek with nearly 100 million readers.
2021. Featured in Yale University’s online magazine E360. Article: Ozone Pollution: An Insidious and Growing Threat to Biodiversity, by Jim Robbins, 7 October, 2021.
According to ScholarGPS 2024 ranking, he ranks #4,233 overall (all fields), #264 in life sciences, #10 in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and #8 in Biophysical Environment over the last five years.
Received the Best Editor award for “outstanding editorial work of 2024”, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, a Science partner journal.
Included in the 2024 list of Most Cited China’s Researchers, which included 5,801 highly cited scholars from 496 institutions, for “exceptional research performance in the field of Atmospheric Science” (Elsevier – Shanghai Ranking).
Included in the Stanford University list with the world’s top 2% scientists annually from 2020 to 2024 (both career-long and single year impact). The top ranked higher-level Science-Metrix categories for author were Environmental Science (subfield) and Earth & Environmental Science (field). In the 2024 list, Agathokleous’ overall rank was 9131, and 174 (out of 115 291 authors) in Environmental Sciences. https://topresearcherslist.com/Home/Profile/771029
Received the Excellent Associate Editor Award “for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research” in 2023.
Received the 2023 Excellent Paper Award of the journal Soil & Environmental Health, for the paper “Applications of the hormesis concept in soil and environmental health research” (DOI:10.1016/j.seh.2023.100003).
Received the 2021 Jiangsu Distinguished Professor (2021年江苏特聘教授) award, Jiangsu Province, PR China.
Received the Excellent Associate Editor Award "for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research in 2020".
Received the 2020 Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program award (ShuangChuang; 双创博士) of Jiangsu Province (Individual): “The High-level Talent Program for Innovation and Entrepreneur” of Jiangsu Province, China. (provincial)
Received the Excellent Associate Editor Award "for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research during 2019 and 2020".
Awarded a Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Cross-Field.
Awarded a Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environment and Ecology.
Awarded a Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Plant and Animal Science.
Received the Excellent Associate Editor Award "for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research during 2018 and 2019".
Awarded the mdpi Forests 2019 Travel Award for postdocs.
Awarded a Publons Peer Review Award 2018 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Plant & Animal Science.
Awarded a Publons Peer Review Award 2018 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environment/Ecology.
Awarded the mdpi Agronomy 2018 Travel Award for Junior Investigator.
Awarded the prestigious Outstanding New Investigator Award 2018 of the International Dose-Response Society. The plaque was presented at the 17th Annual International Conference, ‘Preconditioning in Biology and Medicine-Mechanisms and Translational Research’ held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA on April 17-18, 2018.
Awarded a Publons Peer Review Award 2017 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Agricultural and Biological Sciences. With the support of Web of Science, Wiley, Catalyst Grant and Wolters Kluwer.
Awarded a Publons Peer Review Award 2017 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environmental Science. With the support of Web of Science, Wiley, Catalyst Grant and Wolters Kluwer.
Awarded a fellowship (ID No. P17102) under the "FY20l7 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Standard)" to conduct research in the Forestry & Forest Products Institute, Japan, for a period of 24 consecutive months, starting from April 1st, 2017. (national)
Awarded the status of outstanding reviewer (Elsevier, Amsterdam) for the SCI journals Ecological Indicators (2017), Environmental Pollution (2016).
British Ecological Society Training & Travel Grant June 2016.
Award of Sapporo Agriculture Alumni 2015, the School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, June 2015.
Japanese Government Scholarship 2014 (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT - embassy recommendation) for PhD – The Special Postgraduate Program in Biosphere Sustainability Science, Division of Environmental Resources, Hokkaido University [scholarship no 140539] – SAPPORO, JAPAN – October 2014 - October 2017.
Japanese Government Scholarship 2014 (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT - embassy recommendation) for Research – Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University [scholarship no 140539] – SAPPORO, JAPAN – April-September 2014.
Erasmus LLP scholarship for placement (European Union) – Centre of Competence for the innovation in the agro-environmental sector (Agroinova), University of Torino – TURIN – ITALY – July to October 2012.
Erasmus LLP scholarship for studies (European Union) – Cyprus University of Technology – CYPRUS – January to May 2011.
International Union of Forest Research Organization (2019-day), 8.04.05 - Ground-level Ozone, Coordinator
International Union of Forest Research Organization (2017-2019), 7.01.09 - Ground-level Ozone, Deputy Coordinator and founding member
European Geosciences Union (2024-lifetime)
International Dose-Response Society (2016-day)
International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops (2014-day)
Hellenic Ecological Society (2013-day)
British Ecological Society (2013-day)
Japan Ecological Society (2017-2018)
Boreal Forest Research Society (2014-2017)
The Japanese Forest Society (2014-2019)
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan (2014-2017)
British Lichen Society (2013-2015)