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  1. WG 8.04.05 Ground-level Ozone (previous WG 7.01.09), RG 8.04.00 Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Coordinator, Nov 2019 – date.

  2. WG 7.01.09 Ground-level Ozone, RG 7.01.00 Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Deputy Coordinator and founding member, Sep 2017 – Oct 2019.


  1. 2023- International workshop on “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change and Air Pollution”, 23-27 October 2023, Nanjing, China. 

  2. 2021- International conference "Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems", 11-15 October, 2021, Paphos, Cyprus.


  1. 2022- 8th Balkan Botanical Congress, 4-8 July 2022, Athens, Greece.

  2. IUFRO Nanning 2019, Harmonized Growth, Cleaner Environment and Sustainable Forests, 13-17 May 2019, Nanning, P.R. China.

  3. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems, 21-25 May 2018, Florence, Italy. 


  1. 2024- Subplenary session on “Forest health under climate change and air pollution”, IUFRO XXVI World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. 

  2. 2024- Technical session on “Urban green against air pollution and climate change”, IUFRO XXVI World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Sweden. 

  3. 2024- Session on "Enhancing Resilience of Ecosystems under Pressures” at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April, 2024.

  4. 2023- Chairman (Host) of the “Forum on Research Frontiers of Meteorological Science and Technology” at the “Forums on Meteorological Technology & 3rd International Association of Meteorological Education and Sciences (IAMES)”, International Exchange Week on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research, and Application (Jiangsu) and 3rd IAEMS conference 2023, IAMES, 30 October to 2 November 2023, Nanjing, China.

  5. 2023- Rapporteur of Group Discussions A “Agriculture under air pollution and climate change: Current challenges and priorities for the future” at the International workshop on “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change and Air Pollution”, 23-27 October 2023, Nanjing, China. Chairperson: Prof. Lisa Emberson (University of York, UK).

  6. 2021- Chairman of Section 6 “Genetic, biochemical, and physiological mechanisms underlying stress responses of vegetation” of the international conference “Air Pollution threats to Plant Ecosystems”, 11-15 October, 2021, Paphos, Cyprus.

  7. Chairman of Group D “Role of environmental factors in air pollution sensitivity” [rapporteur: Assoc. Prof. Makoto Watanabe, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology] of the 5th Asian Air Pollution Workshop (AAPW-5), 5-7 November 2019, Varanasi, India.

  8. Chairman of Group A “Plant metabolism for higher tolerance to air pollution” [rapporteur: Prof. Elina Oksanen, University of Eastern Finland] of the 4th Asian Air Pollution Workshop (AAPW-4), 20-22 October 2018, Nanjing, P.R. China.

  9. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems, Session 2 “How plant ecosystems respond to ozone exposure”, 21-25 May 2018, Florence, Italy. 

  10. The 65th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan, Organized session SY0062 “Changing environment, plant stress and their ecological implications”, 14-18 March 2018, Sapporo, Japan.

  11. Rapporteur of Group E “Policies to mitigate air pollutants and their effects” of the 3rd Asian Air Pollution Workshop (AAPW), 20-22 October 2017, Tokyo, Japan.

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